The location of ORPALL company was chosen in Sierra Leone.
This country’s provided political stability since the changes that took place after the 2010s.
ORPALL company was founded in November 2018 by two shareholders who combined their competence to achieve their goal.
The activity of the company is the control, expertise, purchase, and export of gold and diamonds, most often as raw products, in perfect compliance with the Ministry of Mines and the Central Bank.
Orpall company is present at three large mine areas: the North (Kono – it is an area where one of the most big diamonds of more than 900 carats was found 5-6 years ago). A central area of Kenema is the most important mine of Orpall company having regard to the richness and the geographic scope of this zone where 19 people are engaged. And the last one is SEFADOU area which is situated close to the Liberian border. This zone is famous by its diamonds as well as by its coltan and titanium deposits that Orpall company intends to exploit in the near future.

Gold is surely the most fascinating element by its characteristics, used in high technologies as well as in the creation of the most refined artistic objects. It remains our days a “safe haven currency” especially when economic crises occur.
Diamond is a precious, brilliant and hard stone, usually colorless, which can take the form of a jewelry diamond or an industrial diamond.
The diamond market is a sub-segment of the jewellery market that transformed into a huge luxury show due to the attention of celebrities and important figures from the whole world to this industry.